Senin, 12 Maret 2012

A little story about him .. who person I love :)

      Initially there is no sense to start a relationship with him, he called Derry Jiwanda commonly referred to as Derry and I used to call him to call my dear "DEROY or Tubby". Tubby, it's mean because he's fat HHI: DD I'm sorry my Darl. but this feeling goes from time to time. I knew him by accident and not planned. Originally he was a figure of a friend and nothing more than that.

      Well ... I can talk like this because I still have memories of my past, let's call it the MR.C. because after breaking up with the MR.C I felt a big hit and miss someone who has been there for me. losing someone who I love and everything. and I ended the relationship with him because we are of different religions, he is Catholic and I'm Muslim. we had quite a difficult hurdle that we have a relationship, because we have a very strong faith. Our parents really stick to their beliefs. and I still remember the memories with MR.C. may be reasonable because I just broke right in the same month in the month of Jully 06, 2012 where I began my relationship with Derry Jiwanda in the month of july 18, 2012.


    A month and a half I went through my relationship with him I still can't forget my ex because derry attitude that I think is just playing around and indifferent. and at that time we rarely communicate even days. and at that time I was not too concerned because I have had a bustle that still likes to play with friends, besides that I am still traumatized by the events of the previous month where I was with my ex had the name "BROKEN HEART" ...

    Over time we also improved the relationship ended, but it did not last long because I have been the suspicion against derry it really happened exactly where Saturday night he lied to me and he turned out the way with another woman who I did not know and he said that it was his sister. I honestly don't believe but I am not making an issue too long because I knew he would deny some more. it starts from my nature indifferent because I hate lying and finally he reprimanded me but I answered as harassing, maybe he was upset until he told me he wanted to "BROKE". one day I could be without him and it turns out I started to feel lost until I asked to repair this relationship anymore. and he agreed.


     After we make up we had a good relationship with the back. until in the end there was one of my friends told me that Derry shoot a Girl and it turns out one of my friends september 06, 2012 exactly where we are going. I feel very hurt because he lied twice but I kept silent. until finally my revenge and reconnect with my ex the MR.C and intimate relationships we should establish love people. and a text message from him I did not accidentally delete so he read and feel what I feel.

     Finally right at his home Saturday night and I did't intentionally put the phone on the table and I went to the kitchen to make a drink. turns out he opened the text message me with MR.C, not at length he went to his home and when he got home he immediately decided me. finally I sent a picture of him with a woman fuel his fire and I agreed to break up because I feel I am innocent fine and did not feel sad.

     After one day we did not communicate he finally contacted me with the words "I MISS YOU" and I reply brief message. and he asked us to improve our relationship again and told me to delete all my past and I agree that


    Until the final, this time ALLHAMDULILLAH our relationship is good and I can forget my past completely and people who can make me move on was him, my beloved DERRY JIWANDA and I hope he is the last one for me and May wrote this relationship can go smoothly as what we expected "amin".

1 komentar:

  1. kawan, karena kita sudah mulai memasuki mata kuliah softskill akan lebih baik jika blog ini disisipkan link Universitas Gunadarma yaitu yang merupakan identitas kita sebagai mahasiswa di Universitas Gunadarma juga sebagai salah satu kriteria penilaian mata kuliah soft skill.. terima kasih :)
